Black Man in the Distance Funny

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Black Man Quotes

Quotes tagged as "black-man" Showing 1-28 of 28
"You have a color of your own- Dark chocolate,
You have a culture your own- Hip pop,
You have a revival of your own- Harlem Renaissance,
You are the spot on a ladybug that adds its beauty,
You are the pupil of an eye,
You are the vastness of space,
You are the richness of soil,
You are the sweetness of dark chocolate,
You are the mystery in nature,
Blessed Black chocolate, God has made You to rule the Land, that made You a slave."
Luffina Lourduraj

"To be sure, I had, and have, spent the better part of my post-college life growing up in the public eye, with my shameful warts, big and ugly, looming there for the world to see; and it has been a mighty battle trying to be a man, a Black man, a human being, a responsible and consistent human being, as I have interfaced with my past and with my personal demons, with friends and lovers, with enemies and haters. As Tupac Shakur once famously said to me, "There is no placed called careful." On the one hand, Tupac was right: There is not much room for error in America if you are a Black male in a society ostensibly bent on profiling your every move, eager to capitalize on your falling into this or that trap, particularly keen to swoop down on your self-inflicted mishaps. But by the same token, Tupac was wrong: There can be a place called careful, once one becomes aware of the world one lives in, its potential, its limitations, and if one is willing to struggle to create a new model, some new and alternative space outside and away from the larger universe, where one can be free enough to comprehend that even if the world seems aligned against you, you do not have to give the world the rope to hang you with."
Kevin Powell, Who's Gonna Take the Weight: Manhood, Race, and Power in America

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are. Always believe in yourself, even if nobody else does. Strive to be self-motivated!"
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Make sure that you take your education seriously. You may not understand it right now, but your education is important. If you're struggling in high school, don't fail silently. Speak up and ask for the help that you need. If you're interested in going to college afterwards, start researching the colleges that you're interested in attending. If college isn't for you, consider trade schools or programs for high school students such as ROP (Regional Occupation Program). Depending on what state you live in, it may be called something different. Some colleges offer certificate programs if you're not interested in earning an actual degree. Go to your neighborhood community center and ask questions. Ask your school counselors for leads. The library is also a great place to get helpful information. Just ask the librarian, he/she will be happy to assist you. It's important to educate yourself, because if not, you'll most likely be stuck working a dead-end job. Ask questions as much as you need to. Don't assume anything. Get the facts that you need in order to succeed."
Stephanie Lahart

Kara Lee Corthron
"I am angry. It is illegal for me to be angry. Remember: Don't get angry. It is illegal to be a black man and be angry. Right. Got it. I will remember this next time."
Kara Lee Corthron, The Truth of Right Now

Yaa Gyasi
"Maybe he wouldn't end up the kind of man who needed to use his body for work. Maybe he'd be a new kind of black man altogether, one who got to use his mind."
Yaa Gyasi, Homegoing

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, I dare you to be different. I dare you to think for yourself and not be easily influenced by others. I dare you to be a leader and not a follower. I dare you to disassociate yourself from things and people that you know don't mean you any good or have your best interest at heart. I dare you to change your bad attitude. I dare you to tame that temper of yours. I dare you to talk about what's bothering you instead of displaying disrupted behavior. I dare you to go to school, learn all that you can, and apply yourself. I dare you to look outside of your circumstances and see yourself as a successful person. I dare you to ask questions, ask for help when you need it, and not be afraid to work hard for what you want. I dare you to live your life without excuses and find a positive way to get to where you'd like to be in life. I dare you! Don't take the easy way out. Challenge yourself and achieve greatness! You can do it!"
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Show respect for our young sistas. They are young Queens, and you're young Kings. Black is beautiful, period. If you're one of those young men who put light-skinned women on a pedestal, but look down on dark-skinned young ladies, stop it! Black women come in all shades, and all black families have all shades within their families. It's one thing to have a preference, and that's okay, but don't belittle the other. Respect, appreciate, and protect our sistas. In closing: We already have to deal with race related crap from other ethnic groups, so why add to it amongst our own? We need to build each other up and be united as one, no matter what our skin tone is. Don't physically or mentally abuse your young Queen. Respect her just like you'd like your mother, grandmother, or sister to be respected by another male. There's nothing attractive or cool about mistreating a woman. Nothing at all!"
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, You've got so much raw talent that's within you. Utilize it and make your money! Don't allow your gifts to go to waste. You don't have to just sit back and watch other celebrities come up, get focused and get yours, too! Grind and make your dreams a reality. Put in the hard work. Be dedicated to yourself. Create an online presence and put yourself out there where people from all over the world can witness your talents. There are so many platforms online that will help propel you to where you want to be. Get busy! You know that you've got something special! Why not allow the world to see it? Don't be afraid of success! Stop talking about it and be about it. Don't doubt yourself! Just go for it! GO HARD."
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Don't be afraid to shine! Dimming your light just to appeal to others is an insult to self. Be who YOU are. If you're smart, don't play dumb just to fit in. If you have a special talent, don't be afraid to show it off. If you're considered a nerd, OWN it! Intelligence is what many people wish they had. Stand tall with your head held high. Self-confidence is an attractive quality to have. People may talk about you, tease you, or even try to discourage you, but don't you EVER quit or doubt yourself. Be brave! Be authentic! Be comfortable in your own skin! Your life has purpose and YOU matter."
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Inspire, celebrate, and empower our Black males. Support them in becoming confident, intelligent, strong, capable, and powerful Black men, teens, and boys. There's GREAT power in Black male positivity!"
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, It's okay to be different. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Have courage! Follow your dreams, no matter how BIG your dreams may seem. Attitude is everything! Make sure that you keep a positive one, in spite of any obstacles that may come your way. Don't be so quick to give up, and please remember that self-discipline is your friend. Be strong, persevere, and most importantly, BELIEVE in yourself. Don't listen to anybody's negativity. Move forward knowing that you CAN and you WILL. Be unstoppable!"
Stephanie Lahart

Carlos Wallace
"We live in, arguably, the most developed, powerful country in the world, yet we are still unable to find a way to keep corrupt cops from killing black men. Why is that?"
Carlos Wallace

Darnell Lamont Walker
"the black man today will only find solitude in one place: prison. ironically, he becomes most free while incarcerated."
Darnell Lamont Walker

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Please listen to me closely. You have to start making smart choices in your life because, if you don't, the judge won't have any problems locking you up and throwing away the key. FYI: They're charging minors as adults in some cases nowadays. Trust me, they don't care about your life. They will wash you up in a heartbeat, simply because you're a black male. Following the crowd will get you caught up. Trying to play the hard role will get you caught up. Trying to show out for others just to make a name for yourself will get you caught up. Stealing, robbing, selling drugs, etc…it will all catch up with you sooner or later. The statics for black males in prison is alarming. Give yourself a chance! Find another way! No matter what upbringing you've had, it's up to you to make a change. You can't live your life making excuses for why you do what you do. Prove them all wrong! Prove to yourself that you're better than the life that was dealt to you. Rise up my brothas! You're much better than that."
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Are you growing up without your father? How does that make you feel? Angry, sad, confused, resentful, etc? Do you feel a void in your life? Do you feel like your life would've been better if your father had been in your life? If you get a young lady pregnant, do what's right. Even if you choose NOT to be with her anymore, you have a responsibility to your child. Even if it was a one-night stand and/or booty call, hey, you took that risk. If you don't want kids, strap up every time. I don't care if she tells you she's on the pill. Strap up! If not, don't get mad or make excuses when she tells you that she's having your baby. If you refuse to do your part, she may even get you for child support. If you have a job, that means your check will be garnished. So think twice before you take off your clothes. Is it worth it? Think it through."
Stephanie Lahart

"I have the soul of a white man, the soul of a black man, the soul of an Asian man; the soul of every man."
Matshona Dhliwayo

Stephanie Lahart
"Black Fatherhood is an incomparable gift to Black men that truly comprehend what it means to be called dad, daddy, father, or pops. What a privilege it is to raise a child with patience, understanding, communication, support, encouragement, friendship, guidance, and unconditional love. It is an absolute honor!"
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males… Our Future Black Kings: I'm 100% rooting for you, I wholeheartedly believe in you, I deeply care about you, I genuinely love you, and I honestly want to see you succeed in EVERY area of your life."
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, Could you imagine standing in front of a judge and hearing the words, "I now sentence you to 10 years, 20 years, 15 to LIFE, 25 to LIFE, LIFE without the possibility of parole, and/or DEATH?" Could you imagine being locked up with grown, yoked up men? Could you imagine being raped over and over again? Could you imagine other inmates taking what your family or loved ones sent you? Could you imagine being degraded as a person, and there's nothing you can do about it? Could you imagine being made to do things that nobody should have to EVER endure? I don't care how hard you think you are, jail and prison is NOT for young black males. And to be honest, many grown men get turned out in jail and prison too. Please think! Think about the consequences of the choices you make. It's just NOT worth it! If you think that you're untouchable, think again. This isn't a game. Value your life! I've given you some real and raw food-for-thought to think about. Now it's all up to YOU."
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
"Dear Young Black Males, If you're going to be sexual active, please strap up. Wear a condom. STD rates amongst African-American males and females are ridiculously higher than any other ethnic group. Did you know that African-Americans are the most affected by HIV? Yes, it's true! You've got to educate yourself. There's no reason for you to be uneducated about safe sex. You can Google information from reliable sources, go on YouTube, or visit your doctor to get helpful information. Don't be afraid to ask questions, be afraid of what STD(s) you can get. And for the record: If you contract HIV, you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life. Many people think that they're immune when it comes to catching something, but nobody's exempt. Believe that! Protect yourself or risk being infected. Just because somebody looks good, doesn't mean that they're safe or cool to fool around with. Don't be fooled!"
Stephanie Lahart

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
"Because of their lack of originality, women who say that they like their men like they like their coffee turn off even men who are black and strong."
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

"One problem with the black man is too much emphasis on the miraculous, which indicates to them that they can circumvent principles, practices, philosophies, processes, procedures, and planning to achieve greatness. There is nothing more delusionary than that. The miraculous is a circumstantial intervention of divinity in the affairs of humanity. That Jesus multiplied bread and fish did not prevent men and women from opening bakeries and fishing the next day. The black man would have started a "Fish and Bread Multiplication" ministry. This kind of mindset makes religion an assassin of the intellect and creates a bunch of irresponsible citizenry that outsources their problems to God, when He expects them to use their brains. Problems that can be solved with our minds are outsourced to God in prayers."
Dr. Charles Apoki

Carlos Wallace
"Kobe Bryant was not only the best Laker to ever wear the uniform (per Magic Johnson), he exemplified Black male excellence."
Carlos Wallace

Toni Morrison
"The pieces of Cholly's life could become coherent only in the head of a musician. Only those who talk their talk through the gold of curved metal, or in the touch of black-and-white rectangles and taut skins and strings echoing from wooden corridors, could give true form to his life. Only they would know how to connect the heart of a red watermelon to the asafetida bag to the muscadine to the flashlight on his behind to the fists of money to the lemonade in a Mason jar to a man called Blue and come up with what all of that meant in joy, in pain, in anger, in love, and give it its final and pervading ache of freedom. Only a musician would sense, know, without even knowing that he knew that Cholly was free. Dangerously free. Free to feel whatever he felt--fear, guilt, shame, love, grief, pity. Free to be tender or violent, to whistle or weep."
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

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